Our Founder Sijo Warfield
Tim Warfield began his martial arts career in 1980 after he was already an accomplished boxer, fighting out of the Lebanon Boxing Club. He held several boxing titles including the Reading Olympic Boxing Gold Medalist and the Berks, Lebanon and Lancaster County Light-Heavy Weight Champion. He opened his first studio in 1981 called The Dragon Master Fight Club. After 2 years of full contact fighting, he opened his main school which is now opened for over 40 years. 

Over the years, he has obtained many awards and earned black belts in other systems. The important take-aways from the other systems were added to his master system, which continues to grow. 

This some of his 40 + years accomplishments in the arts:
Lebanon City Hero Accommodation for helping to save the life of a police officer that was being violently assaulted.
Professional United Martial Arts Society Man of the Year
Community of Lebanon Making a Difference Award 
World Sokeship Counsil Internation Hall of Fame Inductee
Martial Arts Business Association Top 200 Schools in America
PUMAS Lifetime Achievement Award
World Karate Union Hall of Fame Master of the Year
PUMAS Hall of Fame Kung Fu Instructor of the Year
Community Heroes Hall of Fame -Founder of the Year
Certified by the ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association) as a Certified Fitness Trainer and a Transformation Specialist.
Tim also published a philosophy book -Available on Amazon titled: The Amazing Adventures of Little Woo.